yo!! Probably u dont even know but thers a "team" called Animax team". I've been there for a while now and its like.. wtf? Nobody knows each other.. thers bad comunication and on top of that the org its just a mess. The "leader" has no atributes that resembles one, and the rest are just like.. w/e.. yeah we are a team.. bla bla bla. So for me .. its not even a team.. its just a group of ppl that really have nothing to do and just want a "status" like.. hey im X and im from X team. U know.. and that just sucks.
Im not joinin' any teams. imma stay alone for a while and if someone wants to team up with me then pm me or something, but if u reallyyyyyy have the motivation to do something.. not possers plz.
And thats it XD. have a nice day and tomorow its animax" aniversary.. so this is my gift to them :) im out.